This Privacy Policy applies to Cambridge Homes Holdings limited, and it’s associated franchised members (trading as Cambridge Homes).
All personal information is treated as confidential by handling it in accordance with the expectations of the Privacy Act 2020. In doing so we respect the right of  the individual the right to protect your information and privacy.

This Privacy Policy sets out how we manage your personal information that we collect about you. It also describes, in general terms, the types of personal information we hold, for what purposes and also sets out how that information is collected, used, stored and disclosed Cambridge Homes.
Your personal information is not collected if you only browse this website.

Collection of Your Personal Information

• Potential customers who enquire with Cambridge Homes
• Customer who work through the sales consultation process
• Customers who sign building, or house & land package contracts
• Visitors to our show homes
• Visitors to our expos
• Visitors to and users of our website, including any user forums section of our website;
• Visitors to and users of our social media, including any user forums, comments or mail section of our social media;
• Customers who enter trade promotions/competitions conducted by Cambridge Homes;
• Customers who call or contact us via our 0508 number or website query form

This information can be collected:

• Directly from you;
• Where you access and interact with the website or the customer service team; franchise team or from other sources.
The information collected may include your name, mailing or residential address, telephone number, email address, building, land and budget information and other registration details. If you choose not to provide us with your personal information, we may not be able to provide the information, goods or the service you may require, or to fulfil one or more other purposes of collection of your personal information.

Use & Disclosure of Personal Information

Personal information is used by Cambridge Homes is for its legitimate business purposes, as disclosed at the time of collection. It is also used for ancillary purposes such as locating and identifying customers or otherwise servicing the Cambridge Homes relationship with its customers.

Cambridge Homes may also use personal information collected for the purposes of marketing its goods and services. If, as one of Cambridge Homes’ customers, you do not wish to receive direct marketing information, please contact Cambridge Homes directly.

You acknowledge and consent that by providing your personal information to us that we may use and disclose your personal information for the purposes for which it was collected or for a related or ancillary purpose such as:
• to facilitate and process your building / house & land package contract;
• to carry out or respond to your requests;
• to our third party service providers to assist us in providing and improving our services to you, and to analyse trends in sales and better understand our customer’s needs or to develop, and improve market our products and services to you;
• for regulatory reporting and compliance with our legal obligations;
• to various regulatory bodies and law enforcement officials and agencies to protect against fraud and for related security purposes;
• to our third party service providers to include in a database compiled by us or our third-party service provider for use in direct marketing of promotions, product and services we think may interest to you;
• to seek your feedback in relation to customer satisfaction and our relationship with you

Our Use of Cookies

A cookie is a small piece of text that is placed within the memory of a computer and can be later retrieved by web page servers. We use cookies to enhance your interaction and convenience with our website and do not use cookies to record any personal information.
Cookies may record information about your visit, including the type of browser and operating system you use, the previous site you visited, your server’s IP address, the pages you access and the information downloaded by you. While this anonymous statistical data may be aggregated and used in broader statistical analysis by us and our web monitoring service provider to improve our services, at no time can we personally identify you as the source of that data. Your browser may allow you to disable cookies.
Cambridge Homes undertakes to its customers that it will not sell, rent or trade personal information about its customers. Cambridge Homes will not disclose personal information to third parties to market their goods and services. We will not otherwise use or disclose your personal information unless such use or disclosure is authorized under the National Privacy Principles.


Some examples of where such use or disclosure would be authorized are:
• use or disclosure is required or authorised at law;
• use or disclosure is necessary to prevent a threat to life, health or safety;
• use or disclosure is necessary to investigate suspected unlawful activity, to prevent or detect criminal offence or seriously improper conduct;
• use or disclosure is reasonably necessary for the conduct of or preparation for Court proceedings; or
• you have consented, either expressly or implicitly to the disclosure of information about you.

Cambridge Homes relies upon third party contractors and suppliers (“Agents”) to undertake specialised activities or services such as mail outs and internet communications and other promotions. These Agents act on behalf of Cambridge Homes and have agreed not to use any personal information about customers provided to them for any purpose other than the specific engagement on behalf of Cambridge Homes. Whilst personal information may be provided to these Agents to enable them to perform their tasks, such information at all times remains the property of Cambridge Homes.

Accuracy of your Personal Information

Cambridge Homes aims to ensure that all personal information held about you is collected and used in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020. If you believe your personal information as held by Cambridge Homes is not accurate, complete or otherwise requires amendment, please do not hesitate to contact Cambridge Homes.

Personal Information Security

We have implemented appropriate physical, electronic and managerial security procedures in order to protect personal information from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. Access to your personal information is limited to those who specifically need it to conduct their responsibilities.

Destruction of Personal Information

Cambridge Homes and our third party service providers take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify your personal information where it is no longer required and to protect your personal information from unauthorised access, disclosure, loss, misuse and alteration.

Access to Your Personal Information

Cambridge Homes will give you access to your personal information which we hold about you. Your right to access your personal information as held by Cambridge Homes is subject to certain exceptions allowed by law. Your right to access your personal information may be affected by matters such as:
• the information being commercially sensitive to Cambridge Homes or one of its service providers or customers;
• access posing a threat to life or health of any individual;
• access having an unreasonable impact on the privacy of others;
• access being unlawful;
• access prejudicing enforcement activities relating to criminal conduct or other breaches of law;
• a frivolous or vexatious request by you or some other person on your behalf;
• the existence of a legal dispute or potential legal dispute; and
• denial of access being required or authorized by law.

If Cambridge Homes denies you access to your personal information, we will provide a reason. For most requests, your information will be provided free of charge, however Cambridge Homes may charge a reasonable fee to cover its costs in relation to your request. Other than the above, we will not disclose your personal information without your consent unless disclosure is either necessary to prevent a threat to life or health, authorised or required by law, reasonably necessary to enforce the law or necessary to investigate a suspected unlawful activity. Any permitted handling of personal information under any exemptions under the Act will take priority over this Privacy Policy to the extent of any inconsistency.

Linked Sites

Cambridge Homes may contain links to websites which are owned or operated by other parties. You should make your own enquiries as to the privacy policies of these parties. We are not responsible for information on, or the privacy practices of, such websites.

Transmission of Your Data

While care is taken to protect your personal information on the website, unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet is guaranteed as 100% secure. Accordingly, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you send to us or receive from us online. This is particularly true for information you send to us via email as we have no way of protecting that information until it reaches us. Once we receive your personal information, we are required to protect it in accordance with the Act.

Opt-out in Respect of Direct Marketing Promotional Material

Cambridge Homes acknowledges and respects its customers’ choice to “opt-out” of direct marketing communication activities undertaken by Cambridge Homes. If as a customer you not wish to receive promotional material from Cambridge Homes, please contact Cambridge Homes and indicate the particular promotional material you do not wish to receive. All emails, SMS and newsletters from Cambridge Homes allow you to opt-out of further mailings by clicking on the link or responding “unsubscribe”, to particular communication or groups or all communications.

Policy Changes

Cambridge Homes reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes to the Privacy Policy will be published on Cambridge Homes website. This Privacy Policy was last amended on 08/08/2020. We encourage you to periodically review the Privacy Policy for the latest information on Cambridge Homes privacy practices. To review and update your personal information or to obtain a copy of this Privacy Policy, please contact Cambridge Homes at or by telephone on (0508) EVERY STEP. This Privacy Policy may also be found on the Cambridge Homes website

Resolving your Privacy Concerns

If you are concerned with the way your personal information has been handled, please contact or write to us, or alternatively, contact the Privacy Officer as set out below. If your personal information has not been handled in an appropriate way, we will take steps to remedy your concerns in a reasonable time. Any privacy complaint will be handled by Cambridge Homes in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

The Privacy Officer – Cambridge Homes NZ.
Freephone: 0508 EVERY STEP